
The getPositionCapInfoList function retrieves a list of position cap information for a given owner address.

Function Signature

getPositionCapInfoList(owner: string): Promise<IPositionCapInfo[]>


  • owner: A string representing the owner's address.

Return Value

Returns a Promise that resolves to an array of IPositionCapInfo objects. Each IPositionCapInfo object has the following structure:

interface IPositionCapInfo {
  positionCapId: string;
  symbol0: string;
  symbol1: string;
  long: boolean;
  • positionCapId: The ID of the position cap.

  • symbol0: The first symbol in the trading pair.

  • symbol1: The second symbol in the trading pair.

  • long: A boolean indicating whether the position is long (true) or short (false).


This function fetches all position caps owned by the specified address. It filters for objects of type PositionCap and extracts relevant information from each position cap.

Usage Example

const owner = "0x1234..."; // Replace with actual owner address
const sudoAPI = new SudoAPI(network, provider);

try {
  const positionCaps = await sudoAPI.getPositionCapInfoList(owner);
  console.log("Position Caps:", positionCaps);
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Error fetching position caps:", error);

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