Decrease Position

The decreasePosition function allows users to reduce the size of an existing position.

Function Signature

  pcpId: string,
  collateralToken: string,
  indexToken: string,
  amount: bigint,
  long: boolean,
  indexPrice: number,
  collateralPrice: number,
  isTriggerOrder?: boolean,
  isTakeProfitOrder?: boolean,
  isIocOrder?: boolean,
  pricesSlippage?: number,
  collateralSlippage?: number,
  relayerFee?: bigint
): Promise<TransactionBlock>


  • pcpId: The ID of the position to decrease

  • collateralToken: The token used as collateral (e.g., "USDC")

  • indexToken: The token used as the market index (e.g., "BTC")

  • amount: The amount to decrease the position by

  • long: Boolean indicating if this is a long (true) or short (false) position

  • indexPrice: The current price of the index token

  • collateralPrice: The current price of the collateral token

  • isTriggerOrder: Boolean indicating if this is a trigger order (default: false)

  • isTakeProfitOrder: Boolean indicating if this is a take profit order (default: true)

  • isIocOrder: Boolean indicating if this is an IOC (Immediate-or-Cancel) order (default: false)

  • pricesSlippage: Maximum allowed slippage for prices (default: 0.003 or 0.3%)

  • collateralSlippage: Maximum allowed slippage for collateral (default: 0.5 or 50%)

  • relayerFee: Fee paid to the relayer (default: 1)

Return Value

Returns a Promise that resolves to a TransactionBlock object.

Usage Example

const tx = await sudoAPI.decreasePosition(
  '0x123...', // pcpId
  'USDC',     // collateralToken
  'BTC',      // indexToken
  BigInt(500000), // amount (0.5 BTC if BTC has 6 decimals)
  true,       // long position
  50000,      // indexPrice (BTC price in USD)
  1,          // collateralPrice (USDC price in USD)
  false,      // not a trigger order
  true,       // is a take profit order
  false,      // not an IOC order
  0.001,      // pricesSlippage (0.1%)
  0.1,        // collateralSlippage (10%)
  BigInt(2)   // relayerFee

Last updated