Open Position

The openPosition function allows users to open a new position in the perpetual futures market.

Function Signature

  collateralToken: string,
  indexToken: string,
  leverage: number,
  collateral: number,
  positionConfig: IPositionConfig,
  coinObjects: string[],
  long: boolean,
  indexPrice: number,
  collateralPrice: number,
  pricesSlippage: number = 0.003,
  collateralSlippage: number = 0.5,
  isLimitOrder: boolean = false,
  isIocOrder: boolean = false,
  relayerFee: bigint = BigInt(1)
): Promise<Transaction>


  • collateralToken (string): The token used as collateral for the position

  • indexToken (string): The token being traded

  • leverage (number): The leverage multiplier for the position

  • collateral (number): The amount of collateral to be used

  • positionConfig (IPositionConfig): Configuration object for the position

  • coinObjects (string[]): Array of coin object IDs to be used

  • long (boolean): Whether this is a long (true) or short (false) position

  • indexPrice (number): The market price or limit price of the index token

  • collateralPrice (number): The price of the collateral token

  • pricesSlippage (number, default: 0.003): Maximum allowed slippage for prices

  • collateralSlippage (number, default: 0.5): Maximum allowed slippage for collateral

  • isLimitOrder (boolean, default: false): Whether this is a limit order

  • isIocOrder (boolean, default: false): Whether this is an Immediate-or-Cancel order

  • relayerFee (bigint, default: BigInt(1)): Fee paid to the relayer


Promise<Transaction>: A promise that resolves to a transaction object.

Usage Example

const tx = await sudoAPI.openPosition(
  'USDC',           // collateralToken
  'SUI',            // indexToken
  5,                // 5x leverage
  1000,             // 1000 USDC as collateral
  myPositionConfig, // check getPositionConfig API
  ['0x123...', '0x456...'], // coinObjects
  true,             // long position
  2,                // indexPrice (SUI price in USD)
  1,                // collateralPrice (USDC price in USD)
  0.001,            // pricesSlippage (0.1%)
  0.1,              // collateralSlippage (10%)
  false,            // not a limit order
  false,            // not an IOC order
  BigInt(2)         // relayerFee


  • Ensure you have sufficient balance and have approved the necessary permissions before calling this function.

  • The function uses the current oracle prices for the tokens. Ensure your frontend is updated with the latest prices before calling this function.

  • The pricesSlippage and collateralSlippage parameters allow you to control the maximum allowed price movement. Adjust these based on market volatility and your risk tolerance.

  • For limit orders, set isLimitOrder to true. For Immediate-or-Cancel orders, set both isLimitOrder and isIocOrder to true.

  • The relayerFee is paid in SUI. Adjust this value based on the current network conditions and relayer requirements.

Error Handling

This function may throw errors if:

  • The input parameters are invalid

  • There's insufficient balance

  • The slippage tolerance is exceeded

  • The position size is outside allowed limits

Always wrap the function call in a try-catch block and handle potential errors appropriately in your application.

Last updated